Kindle's are awesome. I took 4 modes of transportation (bus to subway to Skytrains to motorbike) to go pick up my new one today from Col. Kane, the Air Force attaché here in Bangkok who so graciously picked up a new one for me after I broke mine.
After traveling for over an hour to go those 22 miles in between his residence and mine, I decided to reward myself with a bagel and raspberry limeade from BKK Bagels, my favorite spot to go on Saturday's.
While finishing my bagel and IBC Root Beer (my limeade went too fast) the owner of BKK Bagel, who's name I would learn is Eric, introduced himself after asking if my twitter handle was jbotonis_11, which it is. A few minutes before he asked, I had tweeted about my "happy place" and tagged BKKBagel and hashtagged #bkkfatty on twitter. While I was perusing BKKbagels tweets I realized then that the US Ambassador, Kristie Kenney, tweeted a "Happy Birthday" to my new friend Eric, so I included my own well wishes on achieving being alive for another year. I had hopped the ambassador herself would need a bagel and drop into the bagel shop and I would get to introduce myself to her as well however, no such fate.
After a few minutes of sitting alone reading a novel, a fellow who looks just like Brad, my roommate from college's bf, sat down next to my table with two of his friends. Upon noticing my shirt, he "threw some diamonds" my way and I realized I was in the presence of a former frat guy, a nice SAE from Philly. We all sat and chatted for an hour then parted ways but it was almost like being in a pub in the states, striking up random conversations about anything that would connect us starting with college and turning to living in BKK teaching. One of the guys was from Trier, a city very near where I lived in Germany so we got to chat about our former home. My third strength is communicator, my second is includer. My first is WOO. I proudly used all of those today. My goal is to do this kinda thing every weekend until I know every American living in Bangkok that isn't here as an expat trying to date Thai women who they're 35 years too old for...
Sanuk and Sawadee y'all.